Comparative Genomics - September 2018
Section outline
Comparative Genomics
Lausanne, 3-5 September 2018
In room 2020, Genopode Building, UniL Sorge.
This page is addressed to registered participants. To access the course description and the application form, please click here.
For any assistance, please contact
1. Download and install the VirtualBox software from The software is free.
2. Download the virtual machine (VM) image for the Comparative Genomics course from here:
3. Start VirtualBox and import the VM via the import dialog box found under "File" > "Import Appliance...". Make sure to have at least 20 GB of free space on the volume where the VM is being installed.
4. The default memory (RAM) of the VM is set to 8 GB. If you have less than 8 GB of free memory on your computer, then you can adapt this value by selecting the VM in the VirtualBox interface, and then going to "Settings" > "System", and change the value under "Base Memory".
5. Start the VM: select the VM in the VirtualBox interface, then clock on "Start". The VM will start and you will be greeted by the login screen. The user is "student" and the password is "compgeno2018".
6. If you ever need to perform an action as root (sudo), the password is the same: "compgeno2018". Please be careful when running commands as root and only run them if you know what you are doing. If in doubt, refer to one of the course teachers.