[1] ODB9_Insecta_OGs.txt.gz
File from OrthoDB with all Insecta-level orthologous groups, with simply the orthogroup ID (column 1) and the gene ID (column 2)
[2] get_ODB9_gene_counts_per_species.pl
Script to extract from the full set of orthogroups, only those that we want for our analysis, i.e. with orthologues in at least 7 of our 10 species, and with orthologues in our outgroup species
[3] ODB9_Insecta_Gene_Counts.txt.gz
Genes per species counts file in case you fail to run the script that extracts what we need from the full set of Insecta orthologous groups
[4] run_cafe_params.txt
The CAFE control file where analysis parameters are defined
[5] report_run1.cafe.gz
CAFE output file in case you don't manage to run it yourself
[6] place_CAFE_counts_on_tree.pl
Script to extract counts from CAFE report and place them on the ultrametric tree
[7] EOG090W003L.fas
FASTA protein sequence for an orthologous group from OrthoDB
[8] AlnTrmTre.tar.gz
Alignment, trimming, and RAxML results for EOG090W003L