Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences - December 2020
Section outline
Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences
streamed from Basel, 10-11 December 2020
This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.
For any assistance, please contact
Please ensure that the following software is installed on your machine PRIOR to the course:
- latest Python3 distribution, preferably bundled using conda
- Jupyter
- the scipy library (NB: if you installed conda, then this library is already installed)
Thursday 10:
09:00 : beginning of the day - greetings
getting to know each other
small python warm-up
10’ break around 10:30
Ordinary Least Square regression
12:30 - 13:30 : lunch break
Introduction to Generalized Linear Models (10’ break around 15:30)
17:00 : end of the day - discussion
Friday 11:
09:00 : beginning of the day - greetings
From Regression to the Machine Learning Pipeline (10’ break around 10:30)
12:30 - 13:30 : lunch break
Machine Learning : SVM, Decision Trees and Random Forest (10’ break around 15:30)
17:00 : end of the day