Section outline

  • Introduction to Statistics

    Lausanne, 20-23 January 2020

    University of Lausanne, Dorigny Campus, room 338 of the AmphipĂ´le building.

    This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.

    For any assistance, please contact

  • The course will start at 9:00, and end around 17:00 every day. There will be two coffee breaks and a lunch break of one hour.

    20 January

    • Exploratory data analysis
    • Hypothesis tests
    • T-test and assumptions
    • Parametric and non-parametric groups comparison

    21 January

    • Hypothesis tests - continuous
    • ANOVA 
    • Multiple testing: FDR, FWER


    • Social dinner

    22 January

    • Regression
    • Correlation 

    23 January

    • Data representation, clustering and PCA