Section outline

  • First Steps with R in Life Sciences

    Lausanne, 8-9 October 2019

    University of Lausanne, Amphipole room 202 (8 October) and 315.1 (9 October)

    This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.

    For any assistance, please contact

  • Day 1 (9h-17h30):

    • What is R ? Advantages and drawbacks
    • Getting familiar with R and RStudio environments
    • Getting started with R syntax and objetcs
    • Formatting your data
    • Importing and exporting data with R

    Day 2 (9h-17h30):

    • Building graphics with base R
    • Practicing statistics hypothesis testing and simple linear regression in R

    Examples and exercises are integrated in the chapters.

    Day 1 in Amphipole room 202, Day 2 in Amphipole room 315.1. You can locate classrooms from here:

  • Technical A Wi-Fi enabled laptop with latest R and RStudio versions installed. There will be access to the eduroam and guest-unil networks.