Section outline

  • Data Management Plan

    Lausanne, 17 January 2019

    University of Lausanne, Amphipole building, room 321

    This page is addressed to registered participants. To access event description, exact location and application form, please click here.

    For any assistance, please contact

  • Tutors: Cécile Lebrand, Vassilios Ioannidis, Jérôme Zbinden, Alexandre Racine


    09:00-09:30  Introduction “data management & open data”

    09:30-10:30  Data collection and documentation

    10:30-10:45  Coffee break

    10:45-11:45  Data collection and documentation

    11:45-12:00  Ethics legal and security issues

    12:00-12:15 Data storage and preservation

    12:15-13:15  Lunch


    13:15-13:45  Data sharing and reuse

    13:45-14:00  Data deposit Demo

    14:00-15:30  Data life cycle and DMP Canvas Generator - work with your data

    15:30-15:45  Coffee break

    15:45-16:45  Working with Git with and without command line

    16:45-17:00  DMP wrap-up

  • Working with Git

    This tutorial aims at demonstrating the basic principles and functionalities of Git-based version control. No prior knowledge on Git or command line use is required for the completion of the tutorial. Ready? Let's start!

    1. Setup Git

    Where to find your command line
    For Windows:
    - Click Start
    - In the Search or Run line, type cmd (short for command), and press Enter.

    For MacOS:
    - Hit the keyboard shortcut ctrl+SPACE to open Spotlight search
    - In the Search, type terminal and press Enter.

    For Ubuntu:
    - Hit the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Alt + T
    Download Git at your computer
    Git might already be installed in your computer! To check that, do the following: open your command line,
    type git and press ENTER. If Git exists in your system, this should display a message about the usage
    of Git. If not you should download Git.

    Go to the link that corresponds to your laptop's OS and follow the instructions in order to download Git.

    After downloading Git open your command line prompt and type the following command: git

    If Git has been properly installed, this should display a message about the usage of Git.

    2. Create an account on GitHub