Section outline

  • First Steps with R in Life Sciences

    Bern, 19-20 April 2018

    University of Bern, room 331 / 3. OG West, Hochschulstrasse 4

    This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.

    For any assistance, please contact

  • Day 1 (9h-17h30):

    • Formatting your data
    • What is R ? Advantages and drawbacks
    • Getting familiar with R and RStudio environments
    • Getting started with R syntax and objetcs
    • Importing and exporting data with R

    Day 2 (9h-17h30):

    • Building graphics with base R (and ggplot2 package if time allows)
    • Practicing statistics hypothesis testing and simple linear regression in R

    Examples and exercises are integrated in the chapters.