Section outline

  • Secure management of sensitive human data

    Lausanne, 20 Sept 2017

    University of Lausanne, Genopode building, room 2020

    This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.

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  • 9h-9h15: Introduction and aim of the day (Ioannis Xenarios, Vital-IT & Swiss Prot groups, SIB, UNIL, UNIGE)
    9h15 - 10h30: Precision medicine: Security and privacy challenges, and possible solutions (Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory 1, EPFL)
    10h30-11h00: Coffee Break
    11h00-12h30: Sensitive data - practical cases and issues (Ioannis Xenarios)
    Lunch break
    Examples of projects and implementations (Ioannis Xenarios)