Single Cell Sequencing - October 2016
Section outline
Single Cell Sequencing
Bern, 12-13 October 2016
University of Bern
Wednesday 12th October: Hochschulstrasse 4, Room 331 3.OG/West
Thursday 13th October: Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Room A301/ UniS
This page is addressed to registered participants. To access event description, exact location and application form, please click here.
For any assistance, please contact
The course will run every day from 9h to 12h30 and then from 13h30 to 17h, and will include two coffee breaks per day.
Day 1:
Morning: Overview of laboratory prep and sequence analysis
- Overview of different wet side preps (SmartSeq2, DropSeq, 10X)
- Overview of the types of sequences generated from SmartSeq and pipeline for analysis
- Overview of DropSeq sequence and analysis pipeline
- Overview of 10X sequences and analysis pipeline
- Sequence level quality control
Afternoon: Characteristics of expression data and QC
- What does single cell expression data look like and why?
- Introduction to RStudio
- Initial data exploration
- Quality control for expression matrices: filtering genes and samples, considerations in data analysis when using UMIs
- Why normalize gene expression and common types of normalization: using Scone for normalization
Day 2:
Morning: Plotting Single Cell RNA-Seq data
- Using Seurat to plot genes: plotting (a priori known) marker gene lists to confirm known cell types
- Why do we need dimensionality reduction and how is this used to plot samples (PCA and tSNE)?
- Plotting Samples in Seurat
- Batch Effects: what is a technical batch effect and how to identify them? What new biological batches exist in single cell data? Confounding by study design
Afternoon: Evaluating and defining cell populations
- Moving from clusters to populations of cells (defining clusters given ordinations): Seurat (and RaceID)
- Differential Expression (SCDE): the different between differential and discriminant expression
- Pathway Analysis: Pagoda, FastProject
- Overview of available methodology
- Resources online for further growth (online tutorials)