Chip-seq data analysis: from quality check to motif discovery and more - April 2016
Section outline
Chip-seq data analysis: from quality check to motif discovery and more - An introduction to the tools and databases of the EPD team
Lausanne, 4-8 April 2016
This page is addressed to registered participants. To access course description and application form, please click here.
For any assistance, please contact
GA Giovanna Ambrosini (EPD/EPFL/SIB)
PB Philipp Bucher (EPD/EPFL/SIB)
RG Romain Groux (EPD/EPFL/SIB)
SK Sunil Kumar (EPD/EPFL/SIB)List of papers for students
Doodle to validate your paper's choice
Principles of ChIP-seq data analysis explained by a guided tour through the ChIP-seq and SSA server environment (GA)
Practicals: Start going through the Basic ChIP-Seq and SSA Tutorial posted here.
More about DNA motifs and position weight matrices. Introduction to the PWM tools (PB, GA)
Practicals: Continue with the Basic ChIP-Seq and SSA Tutorial. If time permits, continue with ChIP-Seq Motif Tutorial which will be posted here.
ChIP-Seq server – the nitty-gritty details: data representation, file formats, algorithms, parameter fine-tuning, interoperability with other servers (PB, GA)
Practicals: ChIP-Seq Motif Tutorial part 1 to 4. Finish Basic Tutorial if you have not yet done so. Both Tutorials are posted here.
The Eukaryotic Promoter Database EPD: Design principles, source data, data files, web interfaces and integration with other tools. (RD)
The practical for this session can be found here
Working with public data: Organization and contents of the Mass Genome Annotation (MGA) data repository, introduction to genomic context analysis (RD, PB)
Practicals: Go through parts 1and 2 of the ChIP-Seq, SSA and PWMTools Advanced tutorial. A preliminary version of the tutorial can be found here.
If you plan to work with your own data in the future, you may also do the uploading exercise posted here.
Data heterogeneity: Introduction to probabilistic partitioning and applications to ChIP-Seq data analysis data (SK, RG)
Practical exercises for the session can be found here.
Selected case studies in epigenomics using NGS-based and how to reproduce the corresponding results from these studies. Practical exercises for this session can be found here. (PB, GA, RD, RG, SK)
Paper presentations by course participants.
Paper presentations by course participants