Section outline

  • Microarray and RNAseq data analysis with R

    Fribourg, 22-23 May 2014


    This two-day course will present the statistical analysis of differential gene expression based on techniques such as microarrays, RNA-seq and qPCR. Lectures will be conducted in the morning, and students will analyze actual gene expression data in the afternoon. The first day will cover microarray analysis and validation with qPCR. The second day will cover RNAseq analysis and downstream analysis (e.g. GO analysis). The course is organized jointly by the Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF) in Lausanne and the BUGFri core facility in Fribourg.


    After this course, the participants should have an increased understanding of the methods and tools used for differential expression analysis of microarray and RNA-seq gene expression data.  They should also be able to perform simple differential expression analyses using the presented R/Bioconductor packages. 


    Participants should ideally already be at ease with R and Bioconductor or participated in the course "Introduction to Statistics for Biologists".

    As the course will consist of theory and practical exercises, participants should bring their own WiFi-equipped laptop with the R statistical software installed (we recommend RStudio).


    Application is now closed.
    The registration fees for academics are 50 CHF. The fees include course content material, and coffee breaks. Participants from non-academic institutions should contact us. Deadline for registration and cancellation is set to the 5th of May 2014.

    Practical organization - Location and schedule

    This two-day course is held in at the University of Fribourg, on the site of Perolles.
    You can reach it (stop "Charmettes") by bus Nr 1, 3 or 7 from the train station (5min) or by walking (15min).


    • Université de Fribourg
    • Building PER-04 Seminar room O.109 (Plant Biology)

    Sessions runs from 9:00 to 17:00 approximately, with a lunch break.

    Additional information

    The course will be taught by Charlotte Soneson and Frédéric Schütz, from the SIB BCF in Lausanne.

    You are welcome to register to the SIB courses mailing-list to be informed of all future courses and workshops, as well as all important deadlines using the form here.

    For more information, please contact