Section outline

  • PacBio Workshop on Genome Sequence Assembly and Analysis

    Lausanne, 20 March 2014


    Recent improvements in the Pacific Biosciences RSII technology as well as PacBio data analysis methods have greatly increased the utility of this sequencing platform for both small and large genome sequencing. 

    To highlight these improvements and applications, and to give potential users an opportunity to discuss with current users how this technology can be incorporated into their sequencing projects, a PacBio Workshop on Genome Sequence Assembly and Analysis will be held in Lausanne.


    Registration is not necessary.  Attendance is open to all.

    Additional information


    UNIL - Genopode Building - Auditorium B

    For more information, please contact

  • Thursday March 20

    14:00        Welcome
    Keith Harshman, Genomic Technologies Facility, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne

    14:05-14:35    De novo assembly of Petunia using PacBio data combined with Illumina data
    Rémy Bruggmann, Department of Biology, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics & University of Bern

    14:35-15:05    From phenotypes to genotypes with the human pathogen Candida glabrata
    Dominique Sanglard, Institute of Microbiology, CHUV

    15:05-15:35  Bacterial genome assembly using PacBio data
    Daniel Wüthrich, Department of Biology, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics & University of Bern

    15:35 – 16:05        Coffee Break

    16:05-16:35    De novo assembly of a large plant genome with the help of PacBio reads
    Emanuel Schmid, Vital-IT, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

    16:35-17:05    Comparative DNA methylation studies in bacterial genomes
    Laurent Falquet, Department of Biology, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics & University of Fribourg

    17:05-17:35    Benefits of SMRT sequencing for analysis of plant and animal genomes
    Gerrit Kuhn, Pacific Biosciences

    17:35-18:00    Conclusions and General Discussion