Section outline

  • Intermediate R

    Lausanne, 11-13 February 2013

    Course description

    This 3-day course is targetted at life scientists or bioinformaticians who already know the basics of the R statistical software, and want to extend their knowledge. Lectures will be conducted in the morning, with practicals in the afternoon.

    Topics covered include, among others:

    • Best practices for programming in R
    • Using R to conduct reproducible analysis
    • Data structures and manipulation of data within R
    • Graphics in R
    • Profiling code


    The course will take place in room 2020 (reading room) of the Genopode building (see map) on the campus of the University of Lausanne; signs will be available to direct you to the room. The course starts at 8:50 on Monday 11 February 2013.


    Registration is closed.

    The registration fee for Swiss academics is 100 CHF. (Some doctoral programs may subsidize the course; please contact your doctoral program for more information). Note that a formal invoice will be sent to all participants; if the invoice address is different from your address, make sure you specify it in the "comments" field of the registration form.

    Participants from the industry or from abroad should contact us.


    • Participants are asked to bring their own laptop (with wifi) with the "R" program installed
    • Participants must be familiar with the R statistical analysis package prior to attending the course. Participants who have followed the Introduction to statistics course should have sufficient knowledge in R; however, some regular practice outside the course is recommended..

    ECTS accreditation: 1 credit

    Participants who successfully complete the course exam will receive a certificate mentioning the number of ECTS credits related to this course. Other participants will receive a certificate of participation.

    Important: successful participating graduate students will have to inquire if these credits are accepted by their respective graduate schools.

    For more information, please contact Frédéric Schütz