Section outline

  • Tutors: Cécile Lebrand, Vassilios Ioannidis, Grégoire Rossier

    Day 1

    09:00-09:15  Welcome, usage and rules with Zoom

    09:15-09:45  Introduction “data management & open data”

    09:45-10:45  Data collection

    10:45-11:00  Break

    11:00-11:30  Hands-on “Data collection table” (see DataTypesTab.docx below)

    11:30-12:30  Data documentation

    13:00-14:00  Q&A for those who have questions (optional)

    Day 2

    09:00-09:20  Ethics, legal and security issues

    09:20-09:40   Data storage and preservation

    09:40-10:45  Data sharing and reuse

    10:45-11:00  Break

    11:00-11:30  Hands-on Data Life Cycle (DLCM) + discussion

    11:30-12:15  Demo data deposit + hands-on

    12:15-12:30  Demo DMP Canvas Generator

    13:00-14:00  Q&A for those who have questions (optional)

    Before Day 3: build your DMP based on your project using the Canvas Generator

    Day 3

    09:00-09:20  The participants introduce themselves and their project requiring a DMP

    09:20-10:20  DMP Canvas Generator - work with your data

    10:20-11:15  Discussion & feedback about DMP Canvas Generator, general questions, presentation of the project Canvas Generator V2.0