Section outline

  • Wednesday 9:

        09:00 : beginning of the day - greetings

        Morning (10’ break around 10:30):

    • getting to know each other

    • small python warm-up 

    • Manipulating and plotting your data

    12:30 - 13:30 : lunch break

        Afternoon (10’ break around 15:30):

    • Introduction to statistical inference and testing (confidence intervals, statistical errors)

        17:30 : end of the day - discussion

    Thursday 10:

    09:00 : beginning of the day - greetings

        Morning (10’ break around 10:30):

    • statistical testing

    12:30 - 13:30 : lunch break

        Afternoon (10’ break around 15:30):

    • Introduction to (linear) regression

        17:30 : end of the day - discussion