Section outline

  • 9:00-12:15 Online lectures (Frédéric Bastian and Marc Robinson-Rechavi)

    * 9:00-9:15 Welcome

    * 9:15-10:00 Overview of Bgee

    * 10.00-10:15 Questions and answers

    * 10:15-11:00 Manipulating integrated data

    * 11:00-11:15 Questions and answers

    * 11:15-12:00 Manipulating processed data

    * 12:00-12:15 Questions and answers

    * 12:15 - End of the lectures

    12:15 - 13:15 Lunch break

    13:15-17:15 Hands-on (Frédéric Bastian, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Sara Fonseca and Julien Wollbrett)

    * 13:15-14:45 Bgee web tools

    * 14:45-15:00 break

    * 15:00-16:00 BgeeDB R package

    * 16:00-16:15 break

    * 16:15-17:00 BgeeCall R package