Section outline

  • DAY1
    9:00 -9:10 Welcome
    9:15-10:40 ISMARA: theory and overview (Erik van Nimwegen)
    10:40-11:00 Break
    11:00-12:30 ISMARA: in depth discussion of result and interface (Mikhail Pachkov)
    12:30-13:30 lunch break
    13:30-14:45: CRUNCH (Erik van Nimwegen)
    14:45-15:00: Break
    15:00-17:00 One-on-one practicals

    9:00 - Welcome
    9:10 - lecture on ChIP-Seq (Giovanna Ambrosini)
    10:40 - break
    11:00 - lecture on EPD (Philipp Bucher)
    12:25 - Information regarding the practicals
    12:30 - lunch break
    13:30 - Parallel practical sessions (group 1 ChIP-seq, group 2 EPD)
    15:00 - break
    15:20 - Parallel practical sessions (group 1 EPD, group 2 ChIP-Seq
    16:50 - Concluding discussion
    17:00 - End