Section outline

  • Organizers: Pilar Junier, GrĂ©goire Rossier 

    Wednesday 12.09


    • Introduction to metagenomics data analysis: why provenance matters (Alex Mitchell, EBI)
    • Markers, reference databases and genes for taxonomic analysis (Rob Finn, EBI)


    Thurdsay 13.09


    • Targeted analysis considerations and hands-on example with Mothur on Galaxy (Laurent Falquet, University of Fribourg / SIB)


    • EBI metagenomics with hands on (EBI)
    • Assembly & Binning (EBI)


    Friday 14.09


    • Bacteria within fungal genome with hands-on using EDGE platform (Geoffrey House)


    • Co-assembly and species/strain resolution
    • Tools for comparative metagenomics or Estimating sequence diversity and coverage

    End of the event: around 4 PM