Participants' presentations
Section outline
Bulak Arpat Analysis of Translational Pausing by Disome Profiling Amel Bekkar Logical modeling of cardiovascular disease Violeta Castelo Szekely Sequence determinants of DENR-MCTS1 mediated translation reinitiation Chiara Cotroneo Computational prediction of clusters of bacterial genes Sunniva Foerster Pairwise drug combinations against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Anamarija Fofonjka An elastic instability generates predictable folding of the frilled dragon erectile ruff during development Qingyao Huang Integrative analysis of cancer genome profiling data to study the interplay of genetic background and molecular mechanisms in cancer Lidia Lacruz Prevision of facial morphology within the context of forensic DNA phenotyping Mose Manni Machine Learning for predictions in infectious diseases outbreaks Marco Meola Improved classification of short read sequences from dairy products for bacterial species identification using the manually curated reference database DAIRYdb Gautam Munglani Image feature recognition and quantification of tip-growing cells Rocío Rama Ballesteros Pattern recognition of relevant features involved in coevolution Stephan Schmeing ReSequenceR: Simulating more realistic high-throughput sequencing data Marthe Solleder Analysis and prediction of phosphopeptide-HLA interaction Daniel Spies De-convolution of epigenetic regulators of RNAi mutant mESC in MES and 2i media Christoph Stritt Population genomics of transposable elements in a Mediterranean grass species Lightning presentations
Each presentation should be 5 minutes + 2-3 minutes question.
Nicolas Blöchliger Quantifying the uncertainty of antimicrobial susceptibility testing Janko Tackmann Inference of Microbial Interaction Networks from Massive Data Sets through Causal Knowledge Discovery Monica Ticlla Ccenhua Identifying metabolic pathways in Mycobacterium tuberculosis relevant for transmission Mariamawit Ashenafi 3D Functional Organization of Plant Nucleus Marti Bernardo Faura A systems biologist´s expedition: from systems biomedicine to plant biotechnology Adhideb Ghosh Prediction of gain-of-function and loss-of-function variants using in silico bioinformatics tools David Dreher Towards shapes as landmarks in development Athos Fiori Gene expression dynamic across cell cycle Simon Friedensohn Mining immune repertoires for functional antibodies POSTER SESSION Annika Gable Using biological networks to identify new drug targets for rare genetic diseases Tilman Flock Beyond structure-guided drug design Alicia Kaestli A software for automated arrhythmia detection in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes Mattia Tomasoni GWAS on features extracted from the retinal images Lisa Lamberti Efficient methods for detecting genetic interactions Hyunjin Shim Feature learning of virus genome evolution with the nucleotide skip-gram neural network Marie Zufferey Comparison of TAD calling methods Garif Yalak Exoenzymes: Enzymes of the extracellular matrix