Section outline

  • Venue

    The address of the Spring School is: Hotel Regina Terme, Klibenstrasse 19, CH 3954 Leukerbad, Switzerland. Google maps location.

    To get there by public transportation, from all directions, you need to arrive at Leuk SBB (Station) by train. Then to Leukerbad by Bus 471 and then a second Bus (481) to stop "Leukerbad, Diana". Finally 1-2 minutes walk and you deserve a XLarge drink.

    To plan your departure on Thursday 2 June, this is a timetable from Leukerbad Diana to Leuk and then to Geneva Airport or Zurich Airport:

    Leukerbad Diana -> Leukerbad Station (bus): 15h17 -> 15h24

    Leukerbad Station -> Leuk station (bus): 15h48 -> 16h22

    *Leuk Station -> Geneva Airport (train): 16h24 -> 19h09 (change train in Sierre)

    ** Leuk Station -> Zurich Airport (train): 16h43 -> 19h16 (change train in Visp)

    Link to Swiss trains website:

    There are car parkings at the hotel, some are free. Please contact them ( directly for more information.


    If you wish to share your room with a colleague, please send an email to and with his/her name. If not, we will attribute you a room mate (same gender).

    Except for extras, you will not be charged for the rooms, which are included in the registration fees.

    Check-in will be on Sunday before the event starts. Check-out will be during the morning of the last day.


    As there is the possibility to take advantage of thermal bath in the hotel, as well as to do a hike in the mountains, do not forget to bring a swimsuit as well as good walking shoes.