Section outline

  • 9:00 to 10:15 – Johanna McEntyre, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge

    Title: A tour of the Europe PMC full text database and related text-based tools at the EMBL-EBI.

    10:15 to 10:45 – Coffee break

    10:45 to 11:45 – Thérèse Vachon, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel 

    11:45 to 13:15 Lunch break

    13:15 to 14:15 – Lynette Hirschman, Chief Scientist for Biomedical Informatics, MITRE Corporation, Bedford

    Title: The Cost of Curation

    Focus: There is an urgent need to provide scalable, timely, affordable curation of the biomedical literature; current curation pipelines lag publication time and handle only a portion of published material.  This talk will explore topics related to the complex balance between increasing curation efficiency and throughput on the one hand, and maintaining quality on the other. The talk will touch on three related topics: 1) cost-quality trade-offs for biomedical curation – what we know and what we need to know; 2) recent research on a novel hybrid curation approach that combines automated extraction of biomedical entities with crowdsourcing to provide scalable, cost effective curation; and 3) opportunities to integrate new tools and approaches into the curation workflow to increase efficiency while maintaining quality.

    14:15 to 15:15 – Zhiyong Lu, NCBI, NLM, NIH, Washington DC

    Title: NCBI/NLM text mining tools for literature search, analysis, and curation: The case of PubMed and PMC.

    15:15 to 15:30 – Coffee break

    15:30 to 16:45 – Pannel discussion

    16:45 to 17:00 – Wrap up