Section outline
Topic 1 (Day 1 morning)
Introduction to Markov models
Teacher: Sophie Hautphenne, Chair of Statistics, EPFLTopic 2 (Day 1 afternoon)
Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo
Teacher: Nicolas Salamin, Computational Phylogenetics, SIB / UNILTopic 3 (Day 2)
Markov models in phylogenetics and molecular evolution
Teacher: Laurent Géguen, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Université Claude Bernard, LyonFind the course material here (TP_EvolMol) and here (TP_BPP).
Topic 4 (Day 3)
Hidden-Markov models
Teacher: Daniel Wegmann, Statistical and Computational Evolutionary Biology Group, SIB / UNIFR