Section outline

  • Kandersteg

    Logo Logo SIB Joint Summer School: Systems Medicine and its applications

    Kandersteg, 22-27 June 2014

    Location: La Belle Epoque Victoria Hotel, Kandersteg

    Systems Biology has played an essential role in unraveling the mechanisms that govern life. Our understanding of disease has also been deepened thanks to the cooperation between bioinformaticians and systems biologists. Discoveries in these areas help towards improving the precision of diagnostics, as well as allowing treatments to be increasingly personalized.

    The growing importance of systems approaches in medicine has lead the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and to join forces to organize a Summer School for PhDs and postdocs entitled “Systems Medicine and its applications”. This course aims at training students and postdocs in cutting-edge methodologies relevant to biomedical research. It will also introduce classical as well as newly emerging fields of systems medicine and clinical bioinformatics applications. The course will address both theoretical sciences and clinical applications, including drug design and targeted therapies, the diverse uses of microbiomes, the application of big data efforts to the discovery and treatment of cancer or neurological diseases, etc.

    The summer school will take place in Kandersteg, a charming small village in the Bernese Oberland (Swiss Alps). The beautiful and remote setting, along with the challenging program, were chosen to promote and enhance the communication and interaction amongst teachers and students. Lectures, hands-on sessions and round-table discussions will provide the necessary environment to generate lively and informative discussions.

    Target audience: PhD students from Switzerland and abroad, with various backgrounds such as sys-tems biology, bioinformatics, computational biology, medicine, biochemistry, and willing to learn how to apply new computational approaches and big data to clinical problems. Format: Two lectures and practical/hands-on with computers per day.

    Practical information

    Format: Lectures, scientific papers’ discussion and practical/hands-on with computers.
    Note: Participants will bring laptops (with preinstalled software). Wireless connection will be available in the classroom.

    Contact and Organization

    Patricia Palagi
    SIB Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics
    Eavan Dorcey

    Scientific Committee

    • Ruedi Aebersold
    • Jacqui Beckmann
    • Manolis Dermitzakis
    • Jörg Stelling
    • Ioannis Xenarios
    • Evgeny Zdobnov