This course provides a general overview of openBIS, followed by a practical training session.
openBIS is a combined data management platform, Electronic Laboratory Notebook, and Inventory Management System. openBIS helps scientists meet requirements from funding agencies, journals, and academic institutions to publish data according to the FAIR data principles. Scientists can use openBIS to document their daily experimental or computational work, store any related experimental raw and derived data, and link everything to materials, samples and protocols stored in the lab inventory. The system ensures safe data storage and provenance tracking. The course will provide a hands-on user training and an overview of the analysis of data stored in openBIS.
openBIS is open-source software distributed under the Apache v2.0 licence, developed by ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services (ETH SIS). In addition, ETH SIS provides openBIS to academic research groups in CH as part of its project. received start-up funding from Swissuniversities' P-5 program from 2018-2020.